$1562 Raised, Books In Hands, and Tax Benefits

It's been less than two weeks since launch day, and the orders keep cycling through! I was so glad to hear the first batch of mail orders made its way across provinces. 62 paperbacks plus 2 eBooks ordered so far has generated $1562 for the Canadian Mental Health Association's depression and anxiety initiatives, hooray! The [...]

The books are here!

Book distribution is in full swing, kicked off by Friday's Official Unofficial Book Launch. Huge thanks to Natalie Tso for her stunning cover art, Minuteman Press Vancouver for a great printing job, and everyone who ordered for supporting a great cause! The first batch of books will be in the mail today. 33 books have [...]

September 12th-15th: A Bittersweet Easterly Ending… And a book!

Arriving at the North Sydney ferry terminal on Monday, I did not connect with the 16-hour ferry to Argentia as I'd hoped. That left me with two options: Occupy myself for two days before hopping on the Wednesday night ferry to Argentia, or hop on the "short" 7-hour ferry that night to Port-aux-Basques and begin [...]

September 5th-11th: C.A.B.O.T. – Canada’s Amazingly Beautiful Oceanfront “Trail”.

For the third and final time, I've been pulled way off course with an eye on our country's natural beauty. And once more, I've discovered a region I'd hate to have skipped. Well played Canada, you're three for three on making the extra distance a treat and not a chore. After swapping my ferry seat [...]

August 30th – September 4th: Road to Recovery, the Petite Province, and Homebound Heeds.

Free of sickness, I've returned to consistently covering ground along the home stretch of my journey. Like a marathon runner first seeing the finish line, I am sure momentum will propel me Eastward from here. It seems the provinces are flying by at this stage, with my return date suddenly not so far off. Recharged [...]

August 24th-29th: Goodbye Gaspésie, the Friendly Bilingual Province, and the Home Stretch.

I've finally completed all the big provinces. All that remains is circling through the maritimes before hopping on my final ferry to Newfoundland.  During a Gaspé McDonald's blogging Thursday morning, I enjoyed a long conversation with a friendly stranger - first in quite some time due to my lacking French abilities. Dan from Toronto was [...]

August 17th-23rd: Return to the Solo Routine.

I'm in the midst of yet another major detour, being pulled along the coastline by its natural marvels. As with the Icefields Parkway, I'd been convinced that La Gaspesie is a dream ride packed with terrific terrain and stunning scenery. And like the Icefields Parkway, it is a special part of the country I'd hate [...]